The Male Dragon (also known as “buck” or “bull” dragon) is the main antagonist of the film Reign of Fire. He is the largest, most powerful and intelligent of the dragons, presumably the only male of them all. He is most notable for killing Quinn's mother, destroying Van Zan's military unit, destroying fortresses as Pembury and Northumberland, as well as killing Van Zan himself. He is killed by Quinn using a magnesium tipped C4 explosive arrow, which Quinn fires directly into the dragon’s mouth, exploding from the inside, killing the Male Dragon and presumably his species.
He looks different from the females in that he has a shorter snout, longer head horns, smaller cheek horns and larger lower jaw horns. He is also the dominate predator of the dragons, able to eat female dragons in a few bites due to his large size. The “buck dragon” is shown to be nearly as large as Quinn's castle.